Monday, September 15, 2014

5 Can’t Miss Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 50

If you are a woman and you are over 50, or even in  your 40′s and are struggling with your weight, you need to pay attention here. 
The good news is…
You’re not alone. The latest dietary research has has revealed that women over 40 have a biological propensity to consume sugar and simple carbohydrates in an effort to balance their hormones. This could also be brought on by the onset of menopause.
The only problem is that sugar and carbs, as we all know, are the major contributor to weight gain and excess belly fat. This fact has made dieting and weight loss for the over 50 crowd very difficult indeed. You many also notice your lack of energy caused by the sugar overload and the resulting insulin spikes.
Here are 5 weight loss tips that will help you lose weight rapidly if you follow them. Change your eating habits, ditch the sugar, and you will lose  weight!
  • Count Only Calories From Sugar. Calories are calories no matter where they come from, Right? Not true, my friend.  If you want to start losing weight, start keeping track of the calories you consume from sugar- the calories that spike insulin levels. This includes simple carbohydrates as they are molecularly structured the same as sugar and break down in our bodies the same way, so they are also sugar calories.Sugar is the enemy! In order to lose weight and keep it of you MUST  consider carbs the same as sugar in order to keep insulin in check. Calculate sugar calories by taking the total carbohydrate grams on a nutritional label and multiply by 4 ( 1 sugar carb gram=4 calories.)
  • Cycle Your Carbs. Wean yourself off sugar by consuming up to 100 calories for two days, then up to 500 calories for five days. This is the secret for women to balance hormones while still losing weight.
  • Enjoy Low Carb “freebies” OftenFoods such as protein, green veggies, fats, yes fats, and high fiber foods that do not cause rapid insulin spikes can be eaten almost at will. They fill you up ,curb cravings and will get you thin.
  • Boost Your Serotonin Serotonin is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain known to influence the functioning of the cardiovascularrenal, immune, and gastrointestinal systems.Most people know serotonin as the feel good hormone that affects our mood swings, but serotonin also greatly impacts the regulation of our appetite. you can boost your serotonin levels with a few simple techniques. Take a walk, do yoga, smell a flower and getting sufficient sleep are ways you can naturally boost your levels and fight those cravings that normally attack us when our serotonin levels are low.
  • Up Your Magnesium Intake. Magnesium is closely related  to serotonin: When one is low, so is the other. Foods that are high in magnesium are  dark leafy greens, nuts and whole grains.
You’ve heard it before and I preach about it all the time, but if you just eliminate or reduce the sugars and simple carbohydrates in your diet , YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT RAPIDLY!

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