Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Seniors

As you age, you certainly need to take care of yourself more than you used to when you were young. To avoid the most common health problems affecting the seniors, you need to take into consideration small details and habits that form your lifestyle, and adjust them to ensure longevity and prevent health issues. What are some of the best health tips for seniors? Here are the most important, which are based on medical evidence. 
Seniors Need to Train Their Mental “Sharpness” to Avoid Brain Degeneration Diseases 
Many seniors are very fearful when they hear about diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s due to the unpredictable changes in mental function that are associated with them. Although these diseases have mostly genetic components, a senior with a genetic predisposition towards them may never become afflicted if they train their brain regularly to avoid the degeneration of brain cells, which is typical for these disorders. How does one accomplish this mental “sharpness” preservation task? Playing chess, solving simple math problems, communicating with friends, discussing common social issues and politics and engaging in any sort of intellectual and highly demanding brain activity are excellent ways to maintain your brain function at a high level and prevent loss of memory and brain “sharpness” that comes with age. Listening to classical music is also a great way to soothe your brain and stimulate a healthy metabolism in brain cells since it reduces the impact of stress hormones on various regions of the brain.
Maintaining a Decent Cardiovascular Fitness can be Accomplished Through Moderate Exercise 
Seniors often have a deteriorating cardiovascular endurance and the pumping power of their heart may become diminished over time. Medical research studies concluded that seniors who run, swim or engage in cycling regularly have a considerably better cardiovascular fitness, which is a protective “barrier” against heart disease, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, and these are the worst enemies for one’s health when they are old. However, one must be very careful because the body of a senior is not able to tolerate intense physical exercise in the manner that a young body does. It is wise to consult with a physician and then a fitness coach to choose the appropriate intensity for your cardiovascular exercise, which would maintain the health of your heart without exhausting your body resources.
Nutrition Adjustments are Necessary for Seniors Who Want to Ensure Longevity
If you were a fan of sweets, fast-food and all types of high-fat, high-sugar goodies, (which may lead to the development of Alzheimer’s disease) then it is perhaps the time to abandon these unhealthy nutritional habits as you become older. Seniors are substantially more vulnerable to high cholesterol levels, so eating a diet that is low in animal-derived fatty foods, such as butter, eggs, whole-milk, cheese and high-fat varieties of meat like pork and beef, is recommended by physicians and nutritionists to enhance longevity. Also, processed sugar is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes, which is connected with obesity, and is one of the most threatening health concerns affecting the seniors and a major source of disability and health complications. Try to focus on consuming more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat varieties of dairy, use only egg whites, which have no fat in them, and increase your consumption of herbs and nuts, which ensures that you will have plenty of antioxidants, vitamins and protein without the troublesome fat and excessive calories.
Getting Adequate Amounts of High-Quality Sleep is Essential for Seniors 
If you are serious about preserving your health throughout the years and enjoy the time spent with your grandchildren, then you need to adopt adequate sleeping habits. Seniors may need more sleep when compared to young adults because their brain and body take longer to recover from the daily physical exertion and mental activity. Without enough rest, a senior becomes vulnerable to high-blood pressure that may be induced by anxiety, susceptible to brain-related disorders that include nervous system deterioration, which were mentioned above. How do seniors ensure they get plenty of high quality sleep? Make sure you sleep on a good bed, which has a supportive pressure mattress that keeps your spinal vertebrae aligned in the correct position and prevents abnormal spinal curvature during the night’s rest. Also, avoid drinking any caffeine containing beverages, such as coffee and sodas, right before going to bed because they stimulate an excessive excitation of the nervous system, which may result in an “agitated” sleep and chronic fatigue.

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