Thursday, March 28, 2013

Diet and Nutrition Tips for the Elderly

We all know how important it is to stay healthy for senior citizens. The benefits of healthy living and healthy habits are surplus and some of them are resistant to disease and illness, more energy levels, mental acuteness and positive outlook. Also, when you age the body metabolism also slows down and food consumed should be more nutrient rich.
A good diet and regular fitness regime reduces the rick of high blood pressure, heart problems, cancer, anemia, bone loss, high cholesterol, constipation and type 2 diabetes.
 - Go for a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Consume more dark leafy vegetables.
- Consume only healthy fats like fatty fish, nuts, seeds, walnuts, vegetable oils, almonds, olive oil, etc., Do you know omega3 fatty acids improve the health conditions?  Some of the other sources are salmon and flaxseed oil or flax seeds.
- Healthy snacking should be encouraged at regular intervals.
- There are changes in digestive system and body produces less fluids in the system. It gets harder to absorb nutrients in the system like vitamin B6 and B12 or folic acid. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and you are hydrated. According to the experts we often confuse thirst with hunger when you only need a glass of water to quell the cravings. It is okay to go for citrus fruit juices without sugar.
- Try to consume only whole grain foods like brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole grain cereals than refined grains. Go for foods with less sodium or processed foods like frozen meals, bread or soup.
Protein is the most important nutrient required in the body. Protein prevents muscle wastage and boosts the immunity system. Often indian diet only consists of carbohydrates. It is necessary that equal quantity of protein is also consumed in the body. Some of the protein sources are eggs, beans, fish, chicken, legumes nuts and white meat.
Calcium is important for strengthening of bones. Go for fat free milk and milk products. The need for vitamin D and calcium increases even more when you age. It also lowers the blood pressure. According to the doctors at least 4 cups of milk a day is needed which is equivalent to 1200 milligrams per day.
Do you know your stomach is only the size of the fist? It fills only a handful of food comfortably. So don’t go overboard and stuff your self. Go for 6 small meals a day instead of large heavy meals.
Thus, it is all about feeding the mind, body and soul. Your daily food choice make a huge impact in your life and health. Make sure right amount of calories are consumed and you choose a mix of healthy foods. Make sure the seniors in your life are eating well. Eat clean, stay fit and age with grace!

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